Wednesday, 25 July 2018

Move ya body!!!

The sound of loud voices hovered over the hall.Slowly the music started playing louder and
louder and the crowd noises faded away. Mr Vogt and Mr. Jacobson were on the stage.It looked
like they were trying to stretch. Suddenly and blond headed man came out of nowhere wearing
denim shorts and a bright green socks.It turned out to be our principal  Mr. burt dancing and
having a good time!!

First up we had Team 1(Year 1 and 2) teachers to share their video they had made.
They showed us the differences between the gaming,stay up all night type of person and
the healthy type of person. I learned to have a breather and done some chores before playing

I liked all the rest of the other Teams item but the one that stood out to me was (my
personal favourite) was Team 3.They explained how to eat healthy food and how to stay fit
and active.I like how they converted songs to life like situations.

Overall the teachers did an amazing job with what they had produced and provided for
everyone to learn and look forward to in term 3!!!! Special thanks to Mr. Burt for showing us
your beyonce move and how to start the term with a BANG!!  

Friday, 6 July 2018

Dangerous dcimals 3

            Dangerous Decimals
We are learning to identify the relationship between fractions and decimals

Decimals are always a fraction of one whole. 0.1 is the same as 1/10.

What is 9/10 as a decimal?      0.9

What is 7/10 as a decimal?      0.7

What is 1/100 as a decimal?   0.01

What is 15/100 as a decimal? 0.15

What is 1/1000 as a decimal?   0.001

What is 78/1000 as a decimal?  0.078

What is 24/100 as a decimal?   0.24

What is 558/1000 as decimal?   0.558

What is 15/10 as a decimal?  1.5

0.1 + 0.01 = 0.11

0.3  + 0. 145 =   0.175

0.5 + 0.8 =    1.3

0.6 + 0.2 =  0.8

0.73 - 0.52 =   0.21

0.9 - 0.33 =  0.57

0.7 + 0.11 =   0.81

0.3 + 0.92 =  1.22

5/10 + 0.5 = 1

1/10 + 0.47 =  0.57

5/100 + 0.21 = 0.26

Dangerous Decimal 2

         Dangerous Decimals
We are learning to identify the relationship between fractions and decimals

Decimals are fractions of 1 whole.
0.1 is 1/10.
0.01 is 1/100.

What is 2/10 as a decimal?  0.2

What is 6/10 as a decimal?    0.6

What is 7/100 as a decimal?   0.07

What is 18/100 as a decimal?   0.18

What is 1/1000 as a decimal?  0.001

What is 7/1000 as a decimal? 0.007

What is 24/100 as a decimal? 0.24

What is 55/100 as decimal? 0.55

What is 12/10 as a decimal? 1.2

0.5 + 0.3 =  0.8

0.6 + 0.2 = 0.8

0.7 + 0.5 =  1.2

0.5 - 0.1 =  0.4

0.3 + 0.9 =   1.2

5/10 + 0.5 =   1

1/10 + 0.47 =  0.57

5/100 + 0.21 =   0.26

Dangerous Decimals 1

           Dangerous Decimals
We are learning to identify the relationship between fractions and decimals

What is 1/10 as a decimal?     0.1

What is 4/10 as a decimal?     0.4

What is 1/100 as a decimal?   0.01

What is 9/100 as a decimal?    0.09

What is 1/1000 as a decimal?   0.001

What is 7/1000 as a decimal? 0.007

What is 24/100 as a decimal?    0.24

What is 55/100 as decimal?       0.55

What is 12/10 as a decimal? 1.2

0.5 + 0.3 = 0.8

0.6 + 0.2 = 0.8

0.7 + 0.5 =   1.2

0.3 + 0.2 =  0.5

5/10 + 0.5 =   1

1/10 + 0.4 =   0.5

5/100 + 0.21 = 0.26

Dangerous Decimals

Dazzling Decimals

                       Dazzling Decimals

What is 244/1000 as a decimal?       0.244

What is 55/100 as decimal?           0.55

What is 12/1000 as a decimal?     0.012

What is ½ as a decimal?           0.5

What is ¼ as a decimal?         0.25

What is ⅕  as a decimal?         0.2

What is ⅛ as a decimal?        0.125

0.45 + 0.42 =    0.87

0.56 + 0.17 =    0.73

0.67 + 0.91 =    1.58

0.555 + 0.014 =   0.569

0.7 - 0.45 =  0.25

0.55 - 0.45 = 0.1

0.76 - 0.29 =  0.47

2.5 - 0.78 =   1.72

1.7 - 0.999 =  0.701

0.934 - 0.244= 0.69

0.944 - 0.119 =   0.825

50/100 = %?      50%

1/10 = % ?   10%

0.4 = %?       40%
0.05 = %?     5%
0.9 = %?       90%

Write the following as a decimal, fraction and percentage

5 and 1/2

Thursday, 5 July 2018

Holes (11-22)

This term it's been fun reading and also watching the story 'Holes'.  I've enjoyed studying the characters.  Finding out about the personalities and events in the story.
If you look through my presentation you will find details and  other information about Holes

Tuesday, 3 July 2018

Year 8 Camp (Part 1)

Kauaeranga Christian Camp

It was term 2, week 4 on a wednesday’s morning.Camp was right around the corner.
All the year 8’s had packed and prepared for the following 3 days ahead.I arrived at school early
in the morning.It was still shivering cold.RING RING RING RING, that was the bell.
Slowly everyone meet in the hall for the final camp meeting. As time went on,the buses
had finally arrived.We all said our goodbyes and slowly wondered to the bus.Before we hopped on,
we packed all our luggage and climbed aboard.

We were 2 hours in to the trip just outside Thames.”Welcome to Thames” the sign said.
I knew we were close.The view looked amazing.I could see the green mountains and the
 other wonderful things.

We had arrived at the Kauaeranga christian camp.I was happy to smell the fresh countryside air.
I got off the bus then yawned and stretched.”Please take any bag.Don’t waste your time finding your
own”Miss Flavel explained. We settled in and all found our sleeping places.